Tag: AI publishing

PARIX IA: The Largest AI-Related Event for Spanish-Language Publishing Markets. Time To Leave The Luddites In The Dust!

Watching the global AI scene evolve, it’s clear that many publishers and authors in the US, and even more in the UK, blindly fixating on these issues and unable/unwilling to see the bigger picture thanks to a handful of Luddite influencers, stand to be left behind as AI-assisted publishing moves forward without them.

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Business as usual is not an option

The publishing industry can no more put the AI genie back in the bottle than it could the paperback genie, the word-processor genie, the email submissions genie, the social media genie, the self-publishing genie, the subscription genie and the genies for every other industry development that has been fought tooth and nail while screaming The Sky Is Falling, before slow but inevitable acceptance and even slower embrace.

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