Too soon to say what long-term impact the online experience will have on Big Bad Wolf’s plans, but likely we will see a hybrid model in the future for its established markets and perhaps, as with Singapore this year, a digital-first initiative in new markets where the brand is less well known.

With each digital incarnation Big Bad Wolf seems to get better and better, as the wrinkles are ironed out, the glitches glitched, and confidence in the online model grows.

Having already this year launched online in Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Singapore and Malaysia, this week it’s the turn of Taiwan.

Twenty million books up for grabs, and as usual they are nearly all in English. A lesson for publishers in the Anglophone markets that they are sitting on a goldmine of content that their anachronistic territorial rights obsession is preventing being exploited.

This promotional image says it all:

And less we are in any doubt that English-language titles like these are up for grabs, try this screenshot from the sale:

Too soon to say what long-term impact the online experience will have on Big Bad Wolf’s plans, but likely we will see a hybrid model in the future for its established markets and perhaps, as with Singapore this year, a digital-first initiative in new markets where the brand is less well known.