Publish MENA is a bi-weekly review of the Middle East North Africa Arab publishing scene across all formats, but with an unashamed tilt towards the digital opportunity unfolding.

Publish MENA #4 is the usual mix of developments within the region and developments beyond.

From the opening for issue #4:

With the remit to “take a fresh look at the publishing industry in the region and worldwide to answer the pivotal question: how can reading change the course of history?” the first ever IPA Middle East Seminar is at once a reminder of what this journal, Publish MENA, is about.

Some subscribers have expressed surprise that there is not more Arab publishing news, but like its sister journal Publish Africa and its parent journal The New Publishing Standard, the role of Publish MENA is so much news and a record of what happened this week, as insights and perspectives, and to, like the Amman Seminar itself, “take a fresh look at the publishing industry in the region and worldwide.”

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